“Linden Shorts” [2018 – 2019]
The aim of this GPH model project was to present the diverse facets of sustainability in an entertaining way through the medium of “short film”: Both the content, the entire festival framework and the logistics were subject to the principles of environmental and social responsibility.
Development of sustainable islands of the future [2016 – 2019]
As part of the National Climate Protection Initiative, GPH designed a method-rich program to promote climate-friendly behaviour in the neighbourhood association – and implemented it together with local stakeholders or rather under the aegis of Transition Town Hannover at four locations in the west of Hannover.
Initiation of a sustainable tourism process in the Hannover region [2013 – 2016]
The project was based on the cross-linking of already existing structures, the empowerment of the hotel and catering industry as well as exciting educational impulses for the relevant vocational schools. In close cooperation with relevant stakeholders, GPH not only opened up future-proof perspectives for action for those involved in the process, but also for all affected actors on site.
This measure was recognised as the “Official Project of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2014”.
Sustainable twin cities: Hannover meets Bristol [2015]
Organisation and implementation of a sustainable study trip to Bristol. The declaration of Hannover’s English partner municipality as the “European Green Capital 2015” was the occasion for GPH in cooperation with the Cultural Office and the foundation “Leben und Umwelt” to familiarise Hannoverian representatives of adult education with corresponding activities and actors in the twin city.
Sustainable crime rally [2013-2014]
Making sustainability the subject of entertaining leisure activities was the motivation for developing a crime rally – using the example of the global clothing industry. The project was part of the ideas competition “heute@morgen – ökologisch + gerecht: Frische Ideen für eine nachhaltige Welt” (today@tomorrow – ecological + fair: Fresh ideas for a sustainable world). The rally was organised by the Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen (Association of Lower Saxony Educational Initiatives).
“Come, I’ll show you my city” [2012]
The city exploration project was aimed at children and young people with and without a migrant background living in Hannover. The aim was to convey to them – through instructions to independently explore their surroundings and practical participation in on-site activities – that are not only a natural part of urban society, but can also help shape it constructively they – without regard to their family roots.
Platform for “sustainable internships” [2011]
Creation of the basis for a platform that conveys “sustainable development” in a graphic and practicable manner; i.e. passing on existing know-how to young people in particular, demonstrating practical opportunities for participation and constructive support for the implementation process in the respective projects and organizations. This was accompanied by an update of the guideline “Die Welt im Klassenzimmer” (the world in the classroom).
Book and exhibition projects [2004 – 2010]
With the focus on the topics of migration, refuge and asylum, various book and exhibition projects were realised in cooperation with the Evangelischer Kirchentag (German Protestant Convention) and other partner organisations; a.o. “People in Europe on the way”, “I am because we are – we are because I am”.
Global Dialogues [2001 – 2003]
“Globalization of culture (s) in the age of the media” – “Water is life”